Advanced features

·Show Num Lock status icon indicator in status area  
Show the following small icons in Windows status area indicating the actual Num Lock status:  
·bmp00009 Num Lock 'off'  
·bitmap1 Num Lock 'on'  
·Flash icons when Num Lock is pressed  
When Num Lock status change the status icon will be switched from one state to another (flashing) for a short period of time.  
·Advise if Num Lock is pressed  
Set a sound advise if Num Lock key is pressed.  
·At program startup turn Num Lock (On/Off)  
Force Num Lock status On or Off when the program start.  
·Advise if Num Lock is 'on' only if one key of keyboard numeric keypad is pressed  
If this option is active FirstCap will advise you if Num Lock is 'on' ONLY for the pression of one key of keyboard numeric keypad. It mean you'll not be advised about Num Lock status if you press any other key like a letter key. If you deselect this option you'll be advised if Num Lock is 'on' for any letter or numeric key pressed.  
NOTE: this option is activated by default